It’s not complicated. It’s complicated. It’s nonbinary.

TW: I'm a settler with German and Slovak ancestry. My analysis of colonialism is from a place of undoing internalized white supremacy as a white person. There is also brief mention of abuse and childhood sexual abuse with no details. As the world watches the genocide in Palestine unfold by the Israeli government, there has…

Meditation, Ego, and Sex Therapy

Every year, I take a break during August from my sex therapy practice to reorient my sex counselling philosophy and skills. Ironically, it is when I am taking a break from sex therapy I find myself hungry for new ideas, resources, and information that might support my sex counselling skills. This past August my holiday…

The first thing you should do before jumping into polyamory

I work with a lot of folks in polyamorous relationships in my sex therapy practice and in my relationship therapy practice. Before all the on-going communication between partners that is recommended by every polyamory text I have ever read, there is one thing you that doesn't get talked about often enough and that is what…

What causes a low sex drive?

With COVID-19, my sex therapy practice is busy: Sex has undoubtedly taken a hit for most relationships. And if sex was stressful before COVID-19, it likely is only getting more stressful and not less. With the pandemic being more of a long-term problem rather than a short-term crisis, you may be wondering how to get…

being cool is ruining your sex life

In my sex therapy practice I often wonder when I am specifically working with folks in couples therapy or relationship counselling: what stops folks from experimenting more? Getting sillier? Taking a chance on a weird request? And I started to wonder... Whether or not being cool is ruining your sex life definitely depends on your…

Coping with Uncertainty & Isolation: COVID-19 resources

This may be a sex counselling, relationship therapy, centric place, but addressing our basic mental health and survival needs is some of the best things we can do for our sexual and reproductive health so I wanted to devote this post entirely to the value of connecting with difficult feelings, connecting with ourselves, and connecting…

Relationships During COVID-19 & Social Distancing COVID-19 social distancing can be really tough on relationships of all kinds, roommates, partners, friends, you name it! Here are some tips for how to navigate relationships while in isolation: Expect there to be some tension. Not because I want this for you! But because you're human and you might not have spent this…

3 ways to practice talking about sex

I have met so many people in my sex counselling practice who feel tentative talking about sex openly and explicitly with their partners. Often times there are fears of being judged, feeling weird about asking for wants and needs, concerns that talking about sex will make partners feel inadequate or "bad at sex." This can…