Sex Therapy is Grief Therapy

When we think about having mind-blowing orgasms or opening up our relationships into ethical non-monogamy/polyamory, we don't often think about all the grief we're going to have to move through in order to get there. We often only talk about grief when it comes to the death of a loved one (or a complicated one).…

Meditation, Ego, and Sex Therapy

Every year, I take a break during August from my sex therapy practice to reorient my sex counselling philosophy and skills. Ironically, it is when I am taking a break from sex therapy I find myself hungry for new ideas, resources, and information that might support my sex counselling skills. This past August my holiday…

What is depression?

I have an understanding of depression. As a sex therapist you may be surprised to learn that the topic of depression comes up quite a bit in sex counselling. Struggling with sexual desire, sexual arousal, or connecting with partners can all be made particularly difficult when depression is present. Sexual energy is firey! It's energized!…

Coping with Uncertainty & Isolation: COVID-19 resources

This may be a sex counselling, relationship therapy, centric place, but addressing our basic mental health and survival needs is some of the best things we can do for our sexual and reproductive health so I wanted to devote this post entirely to the value of connecting with difficult feelings, connecting with ourselves, and connecting…

7 complicated feelings I have about aromatherapy

I haven’t written much about my aromatherapy practice, yet friends are constantly asking me which oils to use for sleeping, staying awake, relaxing, morning sickness, calming the mind… "Is peppermint safe during pregnancy?" (answer: not really, no) "Is lavender safe to use with my children in the house?" (answer: yes!) So… why don’t I write…

badass dolls with badass bodies [interview Chason Yeboah]

When I saw these badass dolls at the Toronto Erotic Arts and Craft Fair hosted by Come As You Are, I got tingles all over my body. Chason Yeboah's dolls aren't just beautiful, they're healing and powerful. I wanted to learn more about Chason and how these dolls came to be. What inspired you to…

Cliterature: the all too hidden gem

In case it’s not evident from a name like Cliterature, let the record show that this event is a very good time. “Cliterature is a transformational and artful celebration of women’s sexuality through erotic readings, live music, dance and more!” as described by creator, Shelley Secrett of Secrett Events. “And more!” is an understatement. Events…

vulva print making: a love letter to my vulva

My vulva and I go way back. No, further. I can’t remember life without her (I imagine my vulva as a lady, shout out to vulvas of all occupations and titles!) We’ve been best friends before I knew what best friends were. She’s stood by me through sad times, good times, scary times, all the…